Visual research: "Fulfilled predictions from dystopias in art and design"
The development of art and design always follows the path of updating techniques, searching for new forms of existence of a work. Today writers are experimenting with the form of the work, trying to break
the boundaries of the usual, established, traditional, to use methods and techniques of other types of art.
Anti-utopias are characterized by active innovation, search for new genre varieties, and artistic principles.
The relevance of the study is due to the fact that the problems considered in dystopias are now urgent problems of the modern world. Man wants to know what will be
with this world further and finds options for the development
of civilization in the books of the genre of dystopia. Progress does not stand still and what was once just a prediction is now our reality, which gives us
a certain motivation.
to continue to explore the world. The postmodern aesthetic
and cultural situation on a global scale favors the development
of the genre of dystopia. Against this background, the study of vivid examples of modern dystopian literature is very important and timely.
important and timely. The relevance is also seen in the fact that
in the interpretation of the text, there is still room for a new angle
of consideration of contemporary problems.
A visual research "Digital Art"
"Digital art" has changed its name several times since its inception:
it was once called computer art, then multimedia art or cyber art,
but today the term "digital art" is often used along with another term, "media art", or more precisely "art of new forms", which at the end
of the 20th century was mostly used in relation to film and video,
as well as sound art and all sorts of hybrid forms. The word "new" is an iconic word here it indicates the fluidity of terminology.
Through visual research, we can not only trace the history that has brought us to the digitalization of the world around us and the art world, but we can also speculate on what comes next. This research immerses one into the development of technology that helps humanity push the boundaries of how we perceive our surroundings.
I believe that technology is a crucial part of cultural transformation.
The world is changing at an unimaginable rate and it is now difficult
to predict with certainty the future of digital art.
I believe that at the intersection of digital, biological, and nanotechnology, new forms of "smart" interfaces will remain in the lives of future generations and art for a long time to come.